The Life and Death of the Legendary Rock Star: Jim Morrison

Trouble With the Law

Jim Morrison didn’t wait until he was a big-headed rock star before getting himself in some trouble with society. Jim Morrison was arrested for the first time back in 1962 when he attended Florida State University. After a night of drinking, he thought it would be a good idea to pull a prank after a home football game.

Jim Morrison with The Doors in the 1960s.

Photo by Alan Messer / Shutterstock

Morrison made fun of the football players and the people in the crowd. He went as far as to steal a police officer’s helmet from a squad car. That’s pretty gutsy. He was eventually charged with “disturbing the peace” by being drunk, petty larceny, and resisting arrest. This was the first time alcohol played a part in his brushes with the law, but it certainly wasn’t the last.