A Deeper Look into Rihanna’s Lesser-Known Life

Rihanna Fangirled Over Jay Z

Rihanna was very starstruck when she met Jay-Z. She said that she just remembered being very quiet and shy. She said she was cold and even had butterflies. She said the first thing that went through her head was, “Oh God, he’s right there, I can’t look, I can’t look! I’m sitting across from Jay-Z. Like, Jay-Zee.” I’m sure this is how most people would react to meeting Jay-Z, but most of us would love to fangirl out over Rihanna.

Jay Z and Rihanna

Source: YouTube

Rihanna is known for mingling in crowds with an oversized hoodie and sunglasses on just to hang out with her fans. She didn’t have any security with her when she just hangs out with the crowd, so next time you’re at her concert, just take a look around. You never know who you will see in the crowd.